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Logistics Management

Advanced Notifications

Proactive insights for your entire supply chain, backed by superior data and industry-leading technology

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Real-time visibility
over your logistics

Forto’s Advanced Notifications send updates on key milestones throughout the entire shipment journey. Timely and accurate alerts help you ensure a frictionless supply chain and avoid unplanned costs.

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Helping you make the best decisions for your business

  • We pride ourselves on our industry-leading data quality and availability. Our technology solutions collect, process, cleanse, and verify data from various sources.

    This data is then translated into insights and notifications that help you and our experts make good business decisions.

Forto’s Advanced Notifications in detail

Stay on top of your shipments with smart notifications spanning the three main stages of a shipment lifecycle: Booking, Transport, and Delivery.

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  • Unclear or delayed booking confirmation can lead to shipment delays. Forto provides complete and timely visibility throughout the booking process, enabling you to take immediate action and mitigate any bad surprises.

    You receive real-time notifications with all the relevant details when a booking has been created, confirmed, or canceled.

See Forto’s Advanced Notifications in action

Schedule a call with our team to find out more about the Forto platform and Advanced Notifications

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