The basic insurance covers all shipped goods according to the terms of the ADSp (“Allgemeine Deutsche Spediteursbedingungen”, German Freight Forwarders’ Standard Terms and Conditions). The amount paid out in case of damage or loss will depend on the weight of your shipment.
– 8.33 SDR/kg (special drawing rights) whenever the freight forwarder is a care, custody and control freight forwarder (“Obhutsspediteur”) according to Section 461 (1) HGB.
– 2 SDR/kg whenever the principal has agreed to a freight-forwarding contract that is subject to a variety of transport means and includes carriage of goods by sea.
– 1.25 million EUR or 2 SDR/kg per damage case or
– 2.5 million EUR or 2 SDR/kg per damage event, irrespective of how many claims arise from a single damage event
If you wish to insure your shipment depending on the value of your goods, we recommend taking out additional insurance. You can see how an extra insurance affects the total of your quotation by selecting the relevant category and specifying the insured value, which is the amount specified on the commercial invoice. More information can be found here.
Category A: Regular industrial and commercial goods without increased risk of breakage and theft
Category B: Food and beverages, all kinds of clothing, leather goods, shoes
Category C: Precision mechanical and optical products, electrical appliances of all kinds, insofar as they are not excluded from insurance cover, fragile goods, liquids of all sorts, as well as particularly theft-endangered goods.